Yesterday I almost died.
Jason and I went to Sunday School yesterday morning and as I was attentively listening to the lesson, my stomach started growling something terrible. I tried to make it stop, but it just wouldn't. I realized I hadn't eaten anything for breakfast, and since I am trying to give up caffeine, hadn't had any coffee either to mask the hunger pains.
So, during the prayer, I leaned over to my honey and whispered in his ear..."Want to skip big church and go get breakfast?" I peeked over at me and smiled. I proceeded to say, "We can get there before the crowd and celebrate Father's Day...just the two of us..."
Talk about peer pressure. He totally gave in.
So, ever so inconspicuously, we departed from our Sunday School crowd and headed straight to the car. We arrived at Cracker Barrel just in time and had a great breakfast. Since we were in the neighborhood we dropped by Walmart to pick up a few things for the trip to New Mexico this week, and then...of course...a quick detour to Cabellas.
I looked at my watch and sure enough it was only 12:30 p.m. The church crowd was just now getting to Cracker Barrel, and HA...we were already on our way home and thinking about how we would fill the rest of our day. We are such rebels!
So...back to driving home. As we pulled through the four-way stop less than a mile from our house, this young girl in a silver Toyota Carolla comes blazing through her part of the stop sign. She nailed the back end of car.
Jason pulled over, and I began to cry. "If we would have only been a half second later on that, she would have rammed her car right into the passenger, seat where I was sitting," I screamed. "Thank you God! Thank you Jesus!"
A little shaken up, my husband got out of the car and went over to check on the other driver. By this time, four police cars had shown up. Her car was totalled, and ours had signifcant damage...but amazingly, no one was hurt. AMAZINGLY.
Moral of this story really shouldn't skip Big Church for breakfast.
Lesson Learned.